Inchbald Open Day 12 Jun 25
Read moreThis document will be reviewed annually by our Management Committee. Any amendments require the approval of our Board of Directors. Version 1 Published and Reviewed December 2020
"Inchbald School of Design" is the institution providing the teaching and may be referred to as 'Inchbald School of Design' or 'The School'
"Student Representative" is someone who has been elected to represent a body of students defined by course or faculty.
1.1 At Inchbald, we aim to provide students with an opportunity to engage fully with the School structure and to benefit, engage and contribute to the learning processes and environment.
1.2 The purpose of this strategy is to encourage students to be part of the setting of academic ambition and goals through an understanding of the teaching framework and governance structure.
1.3 Inchbald aims to give students multiple opportunities to express their knowledge and skill across design disciplines and as such be confident in helping to define their response to the academic and practical challenges of their work.
1.4 Whilst Inchbald champions the individua response, a design school can do nothing less, the School recognises that group representation is an essential element in the success of a course.
1.6 Engagement with the processes of assessment aids transparency and student understanding of how work is graded. Students are asked to take part in self and peer assessment to increase understanding of the process.
1.7 Student surveys, (anonymous), will run once per semester, with additional surveys possible as and when necessary. Surveys will underpin the information gathering however Inchbald operates an 'open door policy' which facilitates communication between staff and student. It is to be noted that Inchbald is a small community and students are articulate and confident in expressing opinion and concerns.
1.8 Students will be represented on the following committees.
Student Staff Committees. (All student representatives and the student body
Student Voice Forums. (All Student representatives on WGU validated courses)
Academic Board. (Faculty Student representatives x 2 - Ex officio)
Board of Directors. (tbc - Ex officio)
2.1 Each course will have a student representative elected by the student body.
2.2 A candidate from the representatives, one for each faculty, will sit on the academic board and potentially one of these on the Board of Directors. (tbc)
2.3 The Chair of the Student Staff Committee and Student Voice will provide strategic support and leadership to student representatives.
2.4 Representatives for WGU validated courses have university contact through student liaison for advice and procedural support.
The principles which underpin furthering of Student Engagement are:
3.1 The recognition that students are an essential part of the process of teaching and learning at Inchbald.
3.2 Inchbald recognises that students contribute to the academic and social success of the School community and therefore should have representation in the framing of their environment.
3.3 The understanding that Inchbald will deal with issues raised by students on a confidential basis but may need to refer to particular cases in committee in the further discussion of decisions that may impact the student body as a whole.
4.1 The implementation of this policy is managed via the Academic Board and faculty which will take account any outcomes
4.2 Review of the outcomes from committees involving Student representation will go to Academic Board and/or Management committee to ensure its processes are working and considered in the best interests of students and the institution.
4.3 Anonymised summaries of issues raised by students and how they have been managed will be presented, from time to time, to relevant committees.
4.4 The Chair of the Student Voice and Student Staff committee will report termly on the information that has been received and discussed. Any improvements that have been agreed at faculty or school level will be discussed at the Management committee for implementation and to the Board for approval.
5.1 The Student Staff Committee will be responsible for reviewing this policy annually.
5.2 The Academic Board will need to approve any changes to this policy.
5.3 The Board of Directors will need to approve any changes to this policy before coming into force.