Inchbald Open Day 12 Jun 25

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Equality and Diversity

This Equality and Diversity Policy will be reviewed annually by our Management Committee. Any amendments require the approval of our Board of Directors.

Introduction and Scope

1.1 This policy describes the way in which Inchbald School of Design approaches matters relating to Student and Staff equality and diversity.

1.2 This policy outlines the steps at Inchbald to promote positive attitudes towards diversity and inclusion, to ensure that everyone working, studying or applying to study at Inchbald istreated fairly and with dignity and respect.

1.3 Inchbald school of Designwill ensure that its policies,procedures and practices comply and are aligned with current equality legislation, such as the Equality Act 2010.

1.4 This policy applies to all students, staff and visitors to Inchbald school of Design, regardless of their location.

1.5 This policy covers all behaviour by the individual including online platforms such as the online learning, email,any school communication systems and across any social media.


"Inchbald School of Design"is the institution providing the teaching and may be referred to as'Inchbald school of Design'or 'TheSchool'

"Student"is someone who is registered as attending Inchbald school of Design for any educational course and has undergone the enrolment process, whether actively on program at the time and before any formal cessation of studies

"Harassment and Bullying"is defined as any behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated,degraded, humiliated or offended.

Policy Statement

3.1 Inchbald School of Design is committed to having a diverse and inclusive culture which offers equality and opportunity for all by eliminating unlawful discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and promoting respectful relations.

3.2 The school will not tolerate discrimination, harassment and victimisation anywhere within its grounds or buildings.

3.3 The School will ensure,to the best of our ability,that neither students nor staff are discriminated against (directly or indirectly), treated less favourably or face any harassment or victimisation in relation to any of the protected characteristics listed below:

  • Gender including matters of identity or reassignment
  • Age
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religion and/or belief including non-belief
  • Pregnancy/maternity
  • Marriage/civil partnership
  • Sexual orientation

3.4 Inchbaldis aware of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act of 2018 and will ensure that staff understand types of disabilities and the best approach to both students and employees who have disabilities to limit any direct or indirect discrimination.

Addressing Discrimination, Harassment and Victimisation

3.5 Inchbald School of Design has a zero tolerance of harassment and bullying in any form.

3.6 The School strives to:

  • Actively challenge and tackle all forms of prejudice,discrimination and stereotypical attitudes.
  • Deal with allegations of discrimination, harassment and victimization sensitively, and investigate promptly, fairly and thoroughly.
  • Treat any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation carried out by an individual as a matter for possible disciplinary action. This includes harassment by a third party.

3.7 Any student, customer ormember of staff who feels they are being discriminated against for reason of disability, gender, ethnic origin, age, socio-economic group or sexual orientation should raise the matter formally or informally, as appropriate, with one of their teaching staff or support staff in the first instance

3.8 The Student Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedures are available for cases of alleged discrimination against students or staff.

3.9 All complaints will be taken seriously by the person receiving them and the appropriate process will be followed to respond to the complaint. Complaints provisions are subject to regular review.

Student Experience

3.10 We will treat all college users with respect and dignity.

3.11 We will seek to make any reasonable adjustments to our premises to ensure access for people with disabilities.

3.12 We will not tolerate discrimination or bullying of any kind towards either students or staff members and we will take disciplinary action inany instance that discrimination is proved.

3.13 We will always seek to provide equality in our education and training.

This includes:

  • The recruitment and enrolment of students and staff
  • The curriculum content and delivery
  • Course delivery
  • Teaching and learning materials
  • Assessment

Student Admissions

3.14 Inchbald is committed to excellence in admissions and aims to provide a professional and fair service to all applicants.

3.15 The School aims not only to select students who have the ability and motivation to benef it from the programmes which they intend to follow but also to ensure that no prospective or existing student is treated less favourably on any grounds based on protected characteristics listed in 3.3.

3.16 All students, and potential students, should be made aware ofthe availability of any additional learning or guidance support internally and externally to Inchbald, along with the availability of any careers guidance and industry related opportunities and enrichment activities.

3.17 The process of gaining admission to a programme will be clearly expressed and structured to allow, wherever possible, ease of access to all students throughout the year where appropriate.

3.18 During the admissions process, students will be invited to indicate details relating to their ethnic origin, any additional learning needs and/or any special educational needs. This information will be used only for the purposes of providing support, for monitoring and as a reference when considering necessary modifications to the curriculum, marketing activities, buildings and equipment.(For admissions policy reference requests for this information needs to made at the earliest to ensure we can accommodate these needs and deliver a taught program in the best way possible and for the students benefit).

3.19 No Inchbald employee will discriminate unfairly, directly or indirectly in the guidance and recruitment of students.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

3.20 Inchbald values the diversity,backgrounds and experiences that staff and students bring to the academic environment and is committed to meeting the needs of a diverse School community.

3.21 The School aims to ensure that all teaching,learning and assessments strategies are equitable, undertaken with awareness of the different needs of the students and aim to encourage academic and personal development.

3.22 Published teaching and learning materialswill be regularly examined to ensure they do not discriminate, directly or indirectly, against any student group.Including reviewing the teaching modes and styles.

3.23 Procedures for accreditation and assessment will, wherever practicable, be accessible to the needs of the whole range of students who attend Inchbald school of Design.

Facilities and Services

3.24 Inchbald will strive to adapt and modify the environment and facilities, where appropriate,to make students, staff, customers and visitors feel welcome.This includes any social club,groups or activities.

3.25 All communications, publication (internal and external)or displays will not use language or images which are potentially discriminatory against any group or individual.

3.26 Any Inchbald external events will where possible reflect the needs of and show sensitivity to different dietary needs.

3.27 The School will comply with the requirements of all current legislation relating to the access rights of people with disabilities.Recruitment and Employment of Staff

3.28 The process of recruitment and selection is to identify the most suitable person for the job in respect of experience, qualifications; skills and attitude. It is designed to be free from bias and discrimination either directly or indirectly on the grounds of one of the protected characteristics listed in 3.3

3.29 Short-listing and interviewing must be completed by more than one person and notes regarding the suitability/non-suitability of candidates must be made against the essentialand desirable requirements.All interview questions must be relevant to the job;questions around personal and/or domestic circumstances cannot be asked. Interviews will always contain one question that assesses the interviewees approach to equality and diversity.

3.30 The interview panel will have knowledge of the school's recruitment and selection processes.

3.31 The school's commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is to be stated in all recruitment literature.

3.32 Staff's attitude to equality and diversity will be monitored after employment through the process of induction, appraisal, training and student/staff feed back.

Implementation and Monitoring

4.1 The implementation of this policy is managed via school and faculty plans which will take account of Inchbald School of Design's commitment to Equality and Diversity and seek to implement its provision.

4.2 The School will ensure that they receive and review reports on equality, diversity and widening participation, that they agree relevant equality targets and impact measures and monitor progress towards these.

4.3 The Management Team have direct responsibility to take anactive lead in ensuring equality and diversity; provide reports; over see implementation of this policy; ensure equality and diversity data is embedded within development plans and agree quality targets with managers.


4.4 The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored through regular collection and analysis of data that should be as unobtrusive to individuals and proportionate with this objective.

4.5 Inchbald School of Design monitoring of the implementation and effectiveness of the Policy will be the responsibility of the Management Committee. Faculties will be responsible for the gathering and analysis of data as required in line with cyclical reporting. Outcomes from analysis of information collated will inform monitoring processes and improvement plans.

Responsible parties

5.1 The Chair of the Student Voice and Student Staff committee will be responsible for managing the Equality and Diversity Policy,maintaining central recordsof any complaints against equality and diversity and any improvements.

5.2 The Management Committee will be responsible for reviewing the Annual Report and ensuring that all the findings are actioned across the school.

5.3 The Management committee will be responsible for reviewing this Policy annually when considering the Annual report.

5.4 The Board of Directors will need to approve any changes to this policy before coming into force.

5.5 Faculty Heads will be responsible for ensuring all Inchbald School of Design staff understand the Equality and Diversity policy as part of their training and induction into The School staff community.

Reference Points

6.1 Internal:

Complaints and Grievance Policy

Admissions Process

6.2 External:

The Equality Act 2010